Welcome to the ‘Have Your Say’ section. One of the most powerful things about our website is the ability for residents, business owners and interested parties to put forward ideas and start the conversation about what’s good for Manly.
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We regularly update topics comments, opinions, and ideas are most welcome – no matter what they may be! Comments are moderated however, which means they are reviewed for potential offense, libel, and general unsuitability before ‘going live’ and please note that comments submitted are viewable by all on the internet! We look forward to sharing your ideas.
93 results found
Create wheel friendly access at Manly wharf (end of wharf bar)
Currently the main wharf area is wheel friendly. However the other wharf at the end of wharf bar requires walking down two sets of steps to access the ferry. This is inaccessible for people in wheel chairs and a hassle for people with prams and bikes on the ferrys. Please add ramps and handrails to this wharf. With the multi million dollar upgrade happening at the wharf surely they can send a couple of builders down and fix this issue in half a day.
56 votes -
Harbour Pool near Manly Wharf
An Idea:
Manly Council is currently looking at changing the netting structure at the harbour pool near Manly Wharf in an endeavour to provide a better habitat for the colony of seahorses that reside there. Could this pool be upgraded to a proper baths-style pool, with a timber perimeter walkway providing ladder-access to the water? (Have you seen the pool/baths at Balmoral for example)
This would have greater appeal to families providing a fun place to swim and a more memorable experience than the current 'temporary' netted pool enclosure.Candy Bingham
44 votes -
Bring back/Introduce the deposit on glass and plastic bottles and cans....
....and address, potentially, three issues in one fell swoop;
1.Reduced rubbish to be cleared at Rates payers' expense;
2. Re-cycling plant work reduced (as already sorted into 'types')
3. 'Employ' young people/destitutes as an alternative to getting into mischief.This 'program' kept me and my mates busy when we were young and strapped for cash...
And get the 'environmentally aware/friendly' drinks-manufacturers to subsidise the program (deposits and staff wages).
28 votes -
Boats a Danger in Cabbage Tree Bay
Swimming in Cabbage Tree Bay is a delightful way for locals and tourists to appreciate Manly's pristine environment - until they find themselves competing with large boats that anchor in the bay. Not only is this frustrating for swimmers, snorkelers and divers but it poses a huge safety risk. Its time to get serious about banning boats in Cabbage Tree Bay.
24 votes -
All dogs should be on a lead after sunset.
owners should pickup what your dog drops.
22 votes -
Manly's 2015 Plan
am very concerned regarding Manly Council's 2015 development proposal and when I speak with people, no-one seems to know anything about it.... I am extremely concerned with Ms Hay's proposal to demolish the Whistler street car park, library etc. and replace it with MORE units under the guise of making Manly more pedestrian friendly.
Additionally, their proposal to put an underground carpark under Manly oval seems an awful idea to me. I have reviewed their proposal but it doesn't state how cars will enter and exit. Will the cars exit and zoom up Raglan Street?
If you could please start…
18 votes -
I agree strongly that, we the ratepayers, are being kept in the dark by the Council.
I am a regular user of the Boy Charlton Pool. Prior to commencement of the refurb, we learned that the cost had escalated to $21m an increase of 40% on the original estimate. Since then there has been an ongoing
Argument with RMS re parking. For the last months, there has been massive changes made to Kenneth Road, at I would imagine huge costs. Can we be advised at what cost?16 votes -
Manly Council needs to have the Christmas Carol night at the Oval, not the Corso as currently planned.!
Please email Council and sign the petition. The change is not family friendly and will cost us ratepayers buckets more than holding at the Oval where 6,000+ have enjoyed the event. Imagine sitting on concrete trying to enjoy a picnic in front of the Steyne Hotel... Not a great idea!!
16 votes -
Fix Manly's appalling footpaths.
As at August 2020 when writing this... Manly Village footpaths are a patchwork of dug up and filled surfaces which are uneven and look UGLY. The use of bitumen to fill trenches is not a solution as they subside and are sticky on shoes and feet. Surely our rates can deliver a decent footpath infrastructure in busy Manly Village?!?!
13 votes -
Speed Humps at North Head
North Head is a popular place to cycle - except for the speed humps which are a real hazard!
Why can't we make the humps 'cycle friendly' and let's encourage more people to use their bikes in this wonderful area?13 votes -
Repurpose Manly Town Hall into Performing Arts Centre
With the historic Manly Town Hall now surplus to requirements, I am working with the community to have this transformed into a performing arts centre with a flexible performing spacer (for theatre, concerts, live entertainment, dances), a 100 seat theatre and an 80 seat cinema. Do you support this idea? regards Candy Bingham
13 votes -
An exercise area on the Manly to the Spit walk
The Bondi to Bronte walkway has exercise equipment an intervals along the way (chin up bars, sit up benches and rings). This equipment gets heaps of use. Adding such equipment to the Spit to Manly walk would make great use of space (particularly near the Fairlight Pool) and promote healthy living at a low cost.
12 votes -
A pedestrian traffic light on the corner of The Corso & Whistler St.
People now wander across there without breaking stride or looking left or right. Someone will be hurt, not to mention the traffic hold up.
There is a light on the near corner of The Corso & Darley Rd, so why not on the corner near Manly Council Chambers?12 votes -
Surveillance camera at Shelly beach
The recent poaching of Gropers at Cabbage Tree Bay poses a significant risk to the iconic and protected groper population there, not to mention the risk of poaching to Weedy Sea dragons in the same area. Given the significant cash income Manly council secures from parking enforcement it is shameful that they have not yet made any such effort to protect these natural assets given the existing significant surveillance infrastructure already installed on the Corso.
12 votes -
Electric Buses in Manly
Last week, the NSW transport minister announced his desire to electrify Sydney's bus fleet. ( This is a great idea because electric buses reduce local tailpipe pollution, local noise disturbance and greenhouse gas. What is Manly-Warringah doing to spearhead and facilitate this initiative given our unique exposure to climate change risk, need to protect our natural habitats and strong population growth. Given the benefits, the NBC should be pushing these common sense initiatives and leading Sydney for the benefit of its residents, not waiting for state government to decide.
11 votes -
11 votes
Free bikes to use in Manly
Manly is such a lovely recreational area and is especially bike friendly. If we could have a bike-sharing system in the same way they have them in Melbourne and Brisbane. Lets bring bike-sharing to Sydney and start it in Manly.:
10 votes -
Homeless Persons Living On Manly Beachfront - Alternative Safe Accommodation
Is there a more dignified housing option for the numerous homeless people who have moved in permanently to the Manly beachfront pavilion opposite Wentworth Street?
10 votes -
Can we have more bins on the beach
I would be a good idea to have more bins on the beach or by the beach to prevent the heaps of litter left behind by visitors and locals.
10 votes -
Replace Spit Bridge with a suspension bridge
Replace Spit Bridge with a suspension bridge which can carry a train line from Nth Sydney to Frenchs Forest and beyond
9 votes
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