A pedestrian traffic light on the corner of The Corso & Whistler St.
People now wander across there without breaking stride or looking left or right. Someone will be hurt, not to mention the traffic hold up.
There is a light on the near corner of The Corso & Darley Rd, so why not on the corner near Manly Council Chambers?

Jane Yabsley commented
I noticed on Sunday arvo with the Surfing Festival that someone FINALLY thought about managing Pedestrians exiting Manly in the afternoon - and what a difference it made!!! People were being controlled by police at many places - including the very wide pedestrian crossing near Council Chambers mentioned here to get people crossing in groups. Further, it was great to see police stopping people at the wharf from blatantly ignoring the pedestrian lights and crossing as they choose - ignoring the motorists trying to get through. I have seen in other council ares where signs are placed at busy crossing points asking people to consider motorists and cross in groups - I 'm not in favour of traffic lights here. I think we somehow have to try different strategies to change the behaviour we expect of pedestrians - a sensible shared & courteous approach. I also think the angle on this crossing is too wide - motorists often can't see people stepping onto the crossing from the Coles side as it is behind their vision for the majority of the crossing. I have one red herring to throw into the mix - what about having an UNDERPASS for pedestrians from the wharf to the corso. It could be gated from 8pm in the evenings (safety concerns) when pedestrian traffic is less.