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93 results found

  1. council rangers - do they exist these days?

    Remember the silver-haired smallish woman ranger? - if anyone, adult or child, dared to ride along the Corso there was hell to pay.
    Remember when you had to have your dog on a leash? - even in the quiet suburban streets, your roaming dog would be picked up.
    Remember when al fresco dining was rigorously supervised? - my cafe-owner friend was terrorised when a customer dared to move the furniture too far. Now look at the path along the Steyne next to the Steyne Hotel. Try to keep safe if you dare to walk with a friend, negotiate the light…

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  2. Restore defined "Council clean-up" days for each suburb

    Council should restore twice per year defined suburban clean-up days. Allows structured planning AND allows people/scrap dealers to select items from other people's throw out piles that can be recycled and/or sold...This will:
    provide a better clean up service
    better co-ordination of council resources
    stop unnecessary land fill

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  3. save money for lower rates - avoid needless work

    The concrete islands and the middle-of-the-road signage along the Steyne were an absolute waste of money. Just which drivers need to be told to "keep left"? This signage, along with having damaged many cars and itself looking disgusting, is now being maintained and replaced. Who came up with this idea and how much did it cost, and continues to cost?

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  4. 30kmh on the beachfront

    The 30kmh speed limit along the Steyne does not appear to be enforced. What about some electronic signage which shows drivers the speed of their vehicle. It shouldn't be necessary but it might make a difference. The same could be added to the bike track to help settle the out-of-control electric bikes.

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  6. Bike signage at xings

    Council need to prevent cyclists from riding bikes on pedestrian crossings particularly West Esplanarde. Placing signs encourages cyclists at the crossing entrance to realise riding a bike on crossings is anti-social and potentially fatal. Cyclists may not immediately comply but eventually with a slow burn and a fine threat, the compiance should increase.

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  7. Shark alarm.

    Shark Alarm.
    There are no shark alarm warnings at Shelly Beach which is potentially fatal. In the Age of Digitalisation, it could be a simple fix.
    Swimmers are prevented from swimming at Manly but are free to be bitten or worse via Shelly.

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  8. Surely Manly SLSC should not be allowed to expand to take up significant public beachfront land

    Manly SLSC should have a well considered renovation, not a significant expansion taking away large chunks of much loved and utilised public beachfront land. A surf club doesn't require 3 storey structure with cafe and function centre - we have enough wedding venues already in Manly.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Homeless Persons Living On Manly Beachfront - Alternative Safe Accommodation

    Is there a more dignified housing option for the numerous homeless people who have moved in permanently to the Manly beachfront pavilion opposite Wentworth Street?

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Save the heritage trees in the forecourt

    We could lose the wonderful heritage trees in the forecourt in front of the old Council building (and in other areas) because of damage by pest cockatoos. Besides the threat to the trees the branch and leaf litter is ugly. Is it because conservationists who normally care are split between these birds (who have become a pest in urban environments) and the future of these magnificent trees. Does anyone know if the matter is even being considered?

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  13. survey on shark netting

    The State Government says it will consult with local governments before it decides whether to end shark netting. Media reports include:
    NBC's submission would be strengthened were a survey to demonstrate a clear preference.
    I swim in the ocean most days and would like to see the nets go. Snakes and crocodiles are protected and so should sharks and all the by-catch creatures from this out-dated measure.
    In Africa, where I lived for years, wild animals in game parks rule supreme. You enter their domain at your own risk, and the occasional human deaths are the price that is…

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  14. Better community recycling for soft plastics and food waste

    From watching the War on Waste it is clear that our Council is not on the forefront of recycling, either in NSW or Australia. How about a soft plastics program like the one on the Central Coast or better bin services which include food waste like the ones in SA? Having to drive your recycling at long intervals to a designated place (eg Kimbriki or Warringah) for a short pick-up period is not really practical and will not make any real difference.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Remove abandoned bicycles

    The number of apparently abandoned bicycles, predominantly in the Wharf area, are a poor look for Manly. Those are in the designated bike rack whjch are rusting and partially dismantled and those in similar condition secured and left in random places need attention by council just as abandoned sea craft left on beaches are. Council get to it.

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  17. clean up the discarded bikes

    Manly is decorated with rusty, unusable, discarded bikes. World Pride we have had, how about some Manly pride? Was there any effort to tidy up the suburb for yet another major event, the NSW Surf Lifesaving Championships. The whole suburb is grotty. Do the Councillors and Council Officers ever walk around and look at the place they are responsible for? One man, half a day, a small truck and a battery-powered grinder would make a big difference.

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  18. 4 votes

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  19. security

    We can only hope that Manly Council can provide sufficient security personell to stop New Years Eve Party goers from urinating, defecating, drug taking, copulating and other anti-social behaviour on local residents properties along East and West Esplanade by the minority of party goers who spoil a fantastic evening for 99 pc of revellers who recognise that private property does not mean the public can trespassdo participate in anti-social behaviour.

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  20. Rubbish bin

    Hi, It would be good to have a public rubbish bin in the courtyard outside the Manly library. There are lots of cafes and restaurants there and the only bins are on Sydney Rd or the shop's private bins.

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