Speed Humps at North Head
North Head is a popular place to cycle - except for the speed humps which are a real hazard!
Why can't we make the humps 'cycle friendly' and let's encourage more people to use their bikes in this wonderful area?

Anonymous commented
I forgot to say that the road at Middle Head, also maintained by NPWS, has similar issues with speed humps and have caused several accidents (including me - 3 month recovery). Only recently a lady rider broke teeth and bones after hitting one of them, this is not good enough in this day and age.
Anonymous commented
I agree, the speed humps are not consistent, some are short sharp bitumen, some are plastic, others are large rounded bitumen. Some have a small gap at the side, others don't, so it's hard to negotiate them and you really need to concentrate, so no looking at the view!
Pete commented
Dangerous Speed Humps at North Head
Shannon Quartly commented
I was riding up at North Head this morning and found that another (of the plastic variety) speed bump has been put in. This one has no space, either side or even down the middle for cyclists. I just don't understand, cyclist are not a danger to bandicoots, why are they making it so hard for us to have a safe, traffic free ride?
James Mills commented
I am a regular cyclist at North Head as well. It is a perfect place for people wanting to train away from traffic and the new speed bumps seem like an ill thought out option. I am quite surprised there have been no serious accidents from people on road bikes either trying to get around the tiny gap or not seeing them and hitting them speed bumps at a high speed.
I did just speak to a person from NPWS who said they are looking at fixing them when they get some more cash, but I don't think that is soon enough. This option should not have been used until it was properly thought out.
Anonymous, I doubt most cyclist are breaking 50km/h on the flat.
Anonymous commented
Are you cyclists actually aware that the speed limits on that road apply to you too?
Symon parish commented
Get a mountain bike - then the humps are quite fun! Not so good on a road bike, agreed. Bigger gaps or ones not just on the edge would solve it.
Jane Yabsley commented
As a regular cyclist to North Head and someone with a soft spot for the Bandicoots I don't have a problem with having speed humps - but I think these are new speed humps are certainly better than the older ones leading up to North Head. Sure it's not a huge gap at the side- but as a pretty average cyclist I manage the sides quite comfortably - it is certainly a much safer option than trying to manage the sides down near the artillery school and ending up in the gutter with no room. I wouldn't mind seeing the older style replaced with the newer ones - they also seem less high.
Judy Lambert commented
The new speed humps at North Head are an important part of reducing the growing road kill of wildlife (including our endangered population of Long-nosed BandicootsO, and have been constructed with gaps at the edges to enable bikes to bypass them.
- Judy Lambert
Anonymous commented
Peter Greentree
We cycle North Head regularly and the speed bumps are very hazardous to road cyclists.
They are simply constructed incorrectly (too steep). Even some cars and busses have to stop to proceed over them.
North Head is a major cycling and tourist destination and needs to a plan that respects this. Have a look at what Mosman Council has done around Chowder Bay as an example.
To make matters worse 3 or 4 new bumps have been put in near the parking areas over a distance of only about 50 metres.
They would bring any car to a halt to go over them, and have left only 30cm either side for bikes to go around.
A cyclist is ultimately going to come off their bike trying to avoid them.
Again, very heavy handed, cycling unfriendly solution to I don't know what!!