Harbour Pool near Manly Wharf
An Idea:
Manly Council is currently looking at changing the netting structure at the harbour pool near Manly Wharf in an endeavour to provide a better habitat for the colony of seahorses that reside there. Could this pool be upgraded to a proper baths-style pool, with a timber perimeter walkway providing ladder-access to the water? (Have you seen the pool/baths at Balmoral for example)
This would have greater appeal to families providing a fun place to swim and a more memorable experience than the current 'temporary' netted pool enclosure.
Candy Bingham

Once NSW Government decides what it wants to do with the old aquarium building then Council can proceed with its feasibility study for this great project idea!
With the SeaLife Aquarium now closed it's time to review the possiblity of reinstating a boardwalk and Harbour pool!
Karen commented
I think this is a great idea. The current netted structure is an eye sore and makes one feel the harbor front is unloved. Adding a well designed, environmentlly friendly pool structure would draw more families to the area.
tim commented
I agree, a Harbour pool would be nice. A lot could be done with that area and its very family friendly and a nice beach option when a strong easterly is blowing on the ocean side.
CandyBingham said Jun 29, 2011
Thanks Dave. I'm old enough to remember the original pool too! Glad to hear it would benefit the marine life too. Sounds like a good idea to me! What do others think?
davethepirate said Jun 28, 2011
I remember there used to be a boardwalk there ... its return would be a great tourist attraction and as long as it is thoughtfully done as far as construction goes would benefit the marine environment immensley ... protecting seagrass from the ever present vessels that anchor there, for starters.