Bring back/Introduce the deposit on glass and plastic bottles and cans....
....and address, potentially, three issues in one fell swoop;
1.Reduced rubbish to be cleared at Rates payers' expense;
2. Re-cycling plant work reduced (as already sorted into 'types')
3. 'Employ' young people/destitutes as an alternative to getting into mischief.
This 'program' kept me and my mates busy when we were young and strapped for cash...
And get the 'environmentally aware/friendly' drinks-manufacturers to subsidise the program (deposits and staff wages).

Tom Millett commented
The cops find a spot of blood at a crime scene;
They can tell everything about the blood 'doner'
From his Ethnicity to the colour of his shoes.
Yet container deposit is just far too difficult - Gimme a break!
Let's just do it!!!!!