council rangers - do they exist these days?
Remember the silver-haired smallish woman ranger? - if anyone, adult or child, dared to ride along the Corso there was hell to pay.
Remember when you had to have your dog on a leash? - even in the quiet suburban streets, your roaming dog would be picked up.
Remember when al fresco dining was rigorously supervised? - my cafe-owner friend was terrorised when a customer dared to move the furniture too far. Now look at the path along the Steyne next to the Steyne Hotel. Try to keep safe if you dare to walk with a friend, negotiate the light poles carefully and do a little dance with people coming the other direction. It's easier to walk between the two rows of tables; there is more space there.
Parking Rangers? Oh Yes! They're around, loving to book drivers who dare to reverse into a spot along the beach.
Rangers or Councillors with decent vision - do they exist? please look at the mess of dumped bikes, filthy garbage bins, footpath weeds, stagnant gutters and homeless trolleys. Perhaps fine Coles for these trolleys and they will instal a deposit/locking system quick smart. It works a treat in Dee Why.