Rubbish collections
Monday morning rubbish collections put out too early on Sunday or even Saturday

Anonymous commented
Monday moning rubbish collection simply too early!!! 5am on a Monday morning, rude awakening after the weekend...
Anonymous commented
After the recent Coles Classic, rubbish bins were overflowing which has become a common sight in Manly. I can't imagine what the state of the bins and surround areas will be after this weekends huge Surf event. More bins need to be provided when large events are held in Manly and collections need to be made more frequently to prevent the bins from overflowing.
Haydn Smith commented
I couldn't agree with you more Liz. Unfortunately it tends to be the larger unit blocks who use third party service providers to take the bins in and out and it would seem their employees prefer to get the job out of the way on Sunday morning rather than Sunday night like the rest of us! (only they're getting paid for it).
Either the Owners Corp needs to specifiy that the bins can't be removed before say 6pm or the owners/tenants themselves will need to move the bins.