Take the jack boots off the rangers...They aren't police. They should not dress, nor act like police.
Take the jack boots off the rangers...They aren't police. They should not dress, nor act like police.
Heavy handed rangers are are such a detriment to the community of Manly at the moment. There is a poor attitude among the rangers, and their behaviour is more and more authoritarian, and less valuable members of the community. Take the army boots away, and set a new tone for service and community, not enforcement and monitoring.

There is something Wong with manly commented
Wow , it seem i'm not the only one who finds this deeply offensive . We live in a very fortunate part of the world so i hardly find it necessary that council rangers should be dressed to look like para-military goons . In fact i find it seems to generate an outcome in attitude similar to the the image operatives "project" to the public . This is a real pet hate of mine taken in concert with the job they have to do being fundamentally flawed with the present council G.M. belief that income derived by said rangers is a growth business and part of councils general revenue . Fair and reasonable does seem to be a concern intimidating the public local and otherwise is a sad means to an end.