Alcohol consumption in East Boulevarde park
It seems lots of people bring alcoholic beverages to this grassed area to consume when it is zoned as an alcohol-free area.Most of the time this is fine. . but occasionally you see significant amounts of alcohol being consumed(with obvious impact).If there is a rule. . it should be policed.
Otherwise scrap the rule and assume people will drink responsibly.
Turning a blind eye doesn't seem responsible!

Symon parish commented
I actually think they have the right format on this now. The rule is not enforced for people/families acting responsibly, but it's there to be used for the louts!
Anonymous commented
Scrap the rule! Why stop mature people socialising, enjoying our environment and drinking responsibly when it is only the minority who cause problems - punish the minority if anything needs to be done at all!
Linda Williamson -
Anonymous commented
Scrap the rule - why stop the majority socialising maturely for the minority! Fine those who dont respect others!
Anonymous commented
I have been in Manly for 30 years and I have never heard of East Boulevarde Park. Where is it located?